Sunday, November 18, 2007

stamp 13. & tag

Hi, I've been there again!

yes, i've also registered an account, with my work email ofcourse. during the process, i found it is installing, just doubt something will automatically disappear next day.

I now know I can make any page I like as my bookmarklets, but too many means none. we need only a few, don't we?

the other thing, this is a slow page, maybe I am not lucky, but I haven't got the verification email after 20 minutes.

although it is easy to add your instructed page as my bookmark, and it is interesting to see other people using the same page, see what they are searching.

anyway, i probably won't use it for now, but good to know it is there, and it is called

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The internet has been really slow lately, you could try closing down a page and reopening it again, sometimes this works and the internet is faster....sometimes it is not